400-820-2033 06:00 - 23:00

Basic English是原快酷成人英语课程 QQE Basic的全面升级课程。该课程是为16岁以上学员量身定制,由快酷英语教研团队自主研发的主修课程。
升级后的课程基于CEFR(欧洲共同语言参考标准)搭建了新的课程大纲。同时,我们设计了全新的人物和故事场景,以大学校园生活为背景,讲述了两个主人公Bo 和Aya 与同学们的校园生活故事。故事情节环环相扣,生动有趣,使得学生在螺旋式上升的学习模式中掌握并准确运用基础英语语法,强化英语口语表达。

保留原QQE Basic语法框架

Basic English QQE Basic
每课词汇量 6-8 新单词,2-4 拓展词汇,精简了词汇学习 12-15新单词
故事线 根据故事发展的情节线设计对话内容,

语法 螺旋式上升的语法学习方法,

复习 单节课增加复习环节,巩固上节课所学重点内容 10课一个复习课,单节课没有复习环节



  • Presentation



  • Practice



  • Production



优化后的新教材在后3个级别的教学流程设计中主要遵循演绎教学法(Deductive Teaching Method)。

它是一种侧重于从一般原则到特定例子分析的一种语法讲解呈现方法。 同时,在特定的互动教学环节应用了以学生为主体的TBL教学法,


  • Student-centered



  • Target Language



  • Task-based














  • BOOK 1
  • BOOK 2
  • BOOK 3

  • BOOK 4

  • BOOK 5

  • 课时数
  • 50课时
  • 30课时
  • 30课时
  • 40课时
  • 50课时
  • 课时内容
  • 44节常规课
  • 26节常规课
  • 26节常规课
  • 35节常规课
  • 44节常规课

*对于目前正在上旧版QQE-Basic的学员,建议结束当前学习单元后,继续衔接新教材 Basic English 的新单元。

(例如: 当前学完了QQE-Basic Book1 第1单元后,请转接 Basic English Book1 第2单元继续学习即可。)



核心词汇量 300左右对应级别快酷英语1级欧标等级Pre-A1

1.日常打招呼和自我介绍;2.26个字母的发音以及在单词中发音;3. 动词短语表达,动名词表达,方位介词表达;4. 简单兴趣爱好的表达;5.25个主题的词汇和关键句型的表达:颜色、文具,数字、身体部位、五官,家庭成员、形状,天气,病症表达,味道表达,反义形容词、交通工具,房间物品,职业等。


  • L1 Nice to Meet You
    L2 Where Are You From?
    L3 Are You a Teacher?
    L4 Is This Your Bag?
    L5 Is That Your Bike?
    L6 It's Not a New Car
    L7 What's This?
    L8 These Are My Pets
    L9 Are Those Gifts?
    L10 Review (01-09)
    L11 What's Your Phone Number?
    L12 How Much Are They?
    L13 How Old Are You?
    L14 There Is a Clothes Shop
    L15 Are There Tomatoes in the Fridge?
    L16 Is There a Fruit Stand?
    L17 Are There English Books?
  • L18 My Book Is in My Bag
    L19 Whose Basketball Is It?
    L20 Review (11-19)
    L21 What Are You Doing?
    L22 I'm Playing Basketball
    L23 Are You Making a Sandwich?
    L24 I'm Eating Ramen
    L25 What Are You Writing?
    L26 She Is Doing Her Homework
    L27 We Are Lying in the Sun
    L28 They Are Putting Up the Tent
    L29 We Are Buying Some Food and Drinks
    L30 Review (21-29)
    L31 I Get Up at 9 O’Clock
    L32 What Do You Do on Sunday?
    L33 Do You Like Fried Chicken?
    L34 She Comes From China
  • L35 She Likes Ramen and Sushi
    L36 What Does She Do on the Weekend?
    L37 He Comes From Brazil
    L38 How Many Lessons Does She Have?
    L39 How Does She Return to Iran?
    L40 Review (31-39)
    L41 Are You Hungry?
    L42 How's the Weather in Cebu?
    L43 Who Does the Chores in Your Family?
    L44 I Like Swimming in the Pool
    L45 Can You Play Basketball?
    L46 Can You Play the Guitar?
    L47 Where Can I Park My Car?
    L48 I Have a Headache
    L49 Review (41-48)
    L50 Book Review

核心词汇量 300-400对应级别快酷英语2级欧标等级A1

1. 人称代词,物主代词,所有格;2. 特殊疑问词;3. 指示代词;4. 可数、不可数名词;5. 肯定句、否定句,疑问句;6. 及物动词、不及物动词短语,系动词;7. 并列、转折连词;8. There be 句型;9. 频度副词;10. 一般现在时。

1. 能够熟练掌握词汇的发音和释义;
2. 能理解大部分日常生活中常用的句子和表达法;
3. 能够理解并掌握基本的语法结构和语法知识点;
4. 能够理解语速缓慢,表达清晰的对话;
5. 能够写出简单的短语和句子;

  • 第一单元
    L1 Introducing people
    L2 Introducing your family
    L3 They are our neighbors.
    L4 This is our laundry room.
    L5 These are coloring pens.
    L6 You look tired.
    L7 It is small and beautiful.
    L8 She plays with her pet bird every day.
    L9 Where can I find a pet shop around here?
    L10 Unit Review
  • 第二单元
    L1 What is your nationality?
    L2 I live in Tokyo.
    L3 I get up at 5 o’clock.
    L4 I like watching TV.
    L5 How often do you play soccer with your friends?
    L6 How high is Mt. Fuji?
    L7 What day is it today?
    L8 When do you play tennis?
    L9 Which is the fourth month of the year?
    L10 Unit Review
  • 第三单元
    L1 My birthday is on the 15th of June.
    L2 Why do you like windy weather?
    L3 My grandfather’s name is Joe.
    L4 What do you do?
    L5 I want to buy a gift for her.
    L6 What do you usually do on the weekends?
    L7 I need some apples.
    L8 Do you do the laundry?
    L9 Unit Review
    L10 Book Review

核心词汇量 400-450 左右对应级别快酷英语3-4级欧标等级A2、A2+

1. 名词性物主代词;2. 可数名词和不可数名词的修饰;3. 形容词,副词的比较级和最高级用法;4. Can的用法;5. 动词+副词 搭配用法;6. 动名词用法;7. 现在进行时;8. 一般过去时;9. 一般将来时;10. 过去进行时。

1. 能够熟练掌握中级词汇的发音和释义;
2. 能够理解并掌握新教授的语法知识点;
3. 能够在老师的引导下分析语法结构和句子结构;
4. 能够理解对话或文章内容,并能够灵活运用相应语境;
5. 能够完成简单的个人经历描述,计划,安排,建议等表达;

  • 第一单元
    L1 How many eggs do you eat a day?
    L2 Are there any tomatoes in the fridge?
    L3 Whose sun umbrella is that?
    L4 Do you want coffee or tea?
    L5 Do you go to the central park on Saturdays?
    L6 Are you watering the flowers?
    L7 What kind of sports do you like?
    L8 What is he doing?
    L9 In the Nature Park
    L10 Unit Review
  • 第二单元
    L1 Motorcycles are looking cooler and cooler.
    L2 He’s the smartest student in our class.
    L3 I think Chinese is the most difficult language.
    L4 I am always into break dancing.
    L5 It’s time to go to school.
    L6 What is going to happen in spring?
    L7 Did you brush your teeth this morning?
    L8 What did you do in Hawaii?
    L9 Late for Work
    L10 Unit Review
  • 第三单元
    L1 Can you speak multiple languages?
    L2 What languages can she speak?
    L3 She can also translate English into French accurately.
    L4 Esta skates very carelessly.
    L5 Do you think it will rain tomorrow?
    L6 Where are you going to go for your vacation?
    L7 Were you staying up late last night?
    L8 What was she doing last night?
    L9 Unit Review
    L10 Book Review

核心词汇量 450-500 左右对应级别快酷英语5-6级欧标等级B1、B1+

1. 及物动词和不及物动词的区分;2. 副词的用法以及修饰作用;3.并列连词用法拓展;4.连接副词的用法区分;5. 一般过去时和过去进行时的对比;6. 进行时的时态对比(现在、过去、将来进行时);7.现在完成时 & 现在完成时进行时;8. 过去完成时 & 过去完成进行时;9.将来完成时;10. 主动语态和被动语态;11.反义疑问句;12.倍数表达法;13.不同类形容词在句子中的顺序排列。

1. 能够熟练掌握中高级词汇的发音和释义;
2. 能够理解并掌握新教授的语法知识点;
3. 能够在老师的引导下分析语法结构并举一反三;
4. 能够理解复杂的长篇对话或文章内容,并能对一个议题做出解释或者利弊分析;
5. 能够顺畅的描述经验,梦境,计划,愿望,并能对自己的计划做出有条理的解释或阐述。

  • 第一单元
    L1 I am going to prepare my resume.
    L2 I made my resume last week.
    L3 I can compose poems and short stories.
    L4 She works with the graphics design team.
    L5 How long does it take to finish one project?
    L6 Let’s do karaoke on Saturday.
    L7 My first day starts on the 26th this month.
    L8 I’m planning to book a tour around the city.
    L9 Bo and Aya’s New Journey
    L10 Unit Review
  • 第二单元
    L1 I work carefully to help clients establish...
    L2 My colleagues were welcoming.
    L3 I will be meeting some VIPs on Monday.
    L4 My projects are coming along so well.
    L5 Have you ever been to Kyoto?
    L6 I have finished the design proposals.
    L7 I have just finished the meeting with Mr. Reeves.
    L8 I have been working hard since I got this job.
    L9 Kyoto is the most rewarding city in Japan.
    L10 Unit Review
  • 第三单元
    L1 This poster is as eye-catching as that billboard.
    L2 Could you tell me how to get to Miyako Convention?
    L3 Would you like to grab some drinks with me?
    L4 Brewers do the entire fermentation process.
    L5 Let's have a coffee break together, shall we?
    L6 I think this coffee is best paired with plenty of cookies.
    L7 I had been busy last week.
    L8 I wish I had worked harder.
    L9 Aya had been taking her break when she fell asleep.
    L10 Unit Review

核心词汇量 450-500 左右对应级别快酷英语7级欧标等级B2

1.零类条件句;2.第一类条件句;3.第二类条件句;4.第三类条件句;5.陈述语气,祈使语气和虚拟语气;6.直接引语和间接引语; 7.现在分词和过去分词的用法;8.主句和从句的关系;9.名词性从句(主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句);10.定语从句(限定性和非限定性定语从句);11.反身代词和不定代词的用法;12.动名词VS动词不定式;13.分词做状语的用法;14.倒装;15.强调句;16.词根,前缀和后缀;17.标点符号的使用;18.如何写电子邮件等。

1. 能够根据上下文推断核心单词含义;
2. 能够理解并在老师的引导下解释复杂的语法知识点;
3. 能够理解复杂的长篇对话或文章内容,并能对一个议题做出解释或者利弊分析;
4. 能够顺畅地在公共场所表达感谢,建议;能够汇报工作,输出观点,并能对其做出有条理的解释或阐述;
5. 能够书写简单的电子邮件。

  • 第一单元
    L1 If we go to work, we get a salary.
    L2 If she doesn’t send it, we won’t finish…
    L3 If I worked from home, I would cut down on…
    L4 If I had gone to bed early, I would have caught...
    L5 If I hadn’t got this job, I wouldn’t be able to…
    L6 You did remind me of it before ...
    L7 Before we begin, shall we have a look at…
    L8 How about altering the font size of the headline?
    L9 I am writing to formally request for...
    L10 Unit Review
  • 第二单元
    L1 We need to maintain this energy…
    L2 I recommend that you visit…
    L3 You said, “Bo of Home Gizmos.”
    L4 My manager said that this transaction…
    L5 It's my post-celebration for being promoted.
    L6 It’s high time we went out on a trip as a team.
    L7 I agree to some extent, but isn't it too mainstream?
    L8 We’d like you to give this your full support.
    L9 In relation to the Marketing Department’s Team Building…
    L10 Unit Review
  • 第三单元
    L1 For us to have a harmonious recreation…
    L2 I am not sure if this place suits your taste…
    L3 I thought they were mean people whose interest…
    L4 The project that you recently had was superb.
    L5 My job is both satisfying and rewarding.
    L6 This contract is favorable, rewarding, and beneficial.
    L7 Unfortunately our company has already sealed…
    L8 I apologize for the trouble.
    L9 I sincerely apologize for the damaged product.
    L10 Unit Review